Monday & Thursday Mornings – 8:30 AM
November thru March
Our weekday minyan is a more intimate, informal prayer experience, led by congregants in Hebrew using Siddur Sim Shalom, which includes the major weekday prayers and weekday Torah reading. The service is followed by a lite breakfast.
Yahrzeit Observances
As a courtesy to our members, in the months when weekday minyanim are not held, we will make every effort to provide a minyan for those who are observing a yahrzeit. To request a minyan, to observe a yahrzeit, please contact the office. We require one week’s notice.
November thru March
Our weekday minyan is a more intimate, informal prayer experience, led by congregants in Hebrew using Siddur Sim Shalom, which includes the major weekday prayers and weekday Torah reading. The service is followed by a lite breakfast.
Yahrzeit Observances
As a courtesy to our members, in the months when weekday minyanim are not held, we will make every effort to provide a minyan for those who are observing a yahrzeit. To request a minyan, to observe a yahrzeit, please contact the office. We require one week’s notice.