Please consider a generous donation to:
- Jewish Federation of the Desert, working in conjunction with Jewish Federations of North America and their partners on the ground: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Jewish Agency for Israel, Israel Trauma Coalition (ITC), and World ORT, to provide emergency assistance to victims and their families.
- Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency medical system, providing immediate, lifesaving aid by its paramedics and EMTs, often at risk to their own lives.
- Hadassah, providing medical supplies, essential equipment, and indispensable devices for healing and saving lives of Israel’s most severely injured victims.
- Jewish National Fund, providing daily necessities to the hardest hit communities and those displaced from their homes.
- Yad Sarah, provides a vital array of health and home care services for all ages. This organization is particularly recommended by our USCJ/Masorti "Sister Synagogue," Ḥemdat Yamim Haifa Bay Masorti Synagogue.
- United Hatzalah, supplies its volunteers with protective vests and helmets, oxygen tanks, defibrillators, trauma bandages, and tourniquets to ensure their safety and save lives in Israel.
- FIDF (Friends of the Israel Defense Forces), responds to the IDF's most urgent needs for humanitarian support, including armored ambulances, field hospitals, plasma, and other life-saving supplies.
- Israeli Wounded Veterans (Beit Halochem), is committed to rehabilitating, rebuilding, and enhancing the lives of thousands of Israelis disabled in the line of duty.