2019 - 2020 / 5780
SChedule of Events
September 21
Seliḥot Movie presentation: "Cuba's Forgotten Jewels: A Haven in Havana" November 17 Sunday @ the Movies “On the Basis of Sex" November 25 Brandini Toffee Factory Tour Join CBS on a private tour and watch the art of Kosher toffee making December 8 Annual Congregational Meeting (CBS MEMBERS ONLY) Annual Campaign “kick-off,” reports to the membership, election of officers & Board members, and a vitally important safety & security presentation December 28 Latkes & Babkas - Ḥanukkah Party Menorah lighting, latke "bar," dessert buffet, and gift auction January 11 Recognition Shabbat Shabbat Morning Service & Kiddush Lunch honoring Beth Shalom Founders January 19 Sunday @ the Movies "Women's Balcony" (Hebrew with subtitles) February 28-29 Scholar-in-Residence Weekend with Rabbi Scott Meltzer Rabbi, Ohr Shalom Synagogue – San Diego A weekend of learning and inspiration made possible by a grant from Jewish Federation of the Desert February 29 25th Anniversary Gala Celebration A GALA evening of music, food, and fellowship celebrating Beth Shalom's 25th Anniversary. The evening will include hors d'oeuvres, desserts, and the festive Klezmer music of Gary Gould & friends March 9 Megillah Reading & Purim Celebration March 20 Shabbat Dinner CANCELED Traditional festive meal with candle lighting, Kiddush, and song April 19 Community-wide Yom HaShoah Observance CANCELED Annual memorial to those who perished in the Holocaust sponsored by Jewish Federation of the Desert, Eisenhower Medical Center, Annenberg Theater April 26 Barbecue Dinner & Movie CANCELED "Raise the Roof" May 17 Barbecue Dinner & Movie “The Long Way Home” June 14 Sunday @ the Movies “Welcome to Kutsher’s: The Last Catskills Resort” |